Projects with this topic
Pheix dCMS implemented in Raku language
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A decentralized, offline-first content management system for NFT communities.
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Make transaction from one wallet to another on Ropsten Ethereum test network across the world and also get transactions made.
Used technologies: React JS, Tailwind CSS, Solidity, Smart Contract, Hardhat.
AWS hosted link :
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Run your own private finance portfolio application, giving you full visibility into cryptocurrency and traditional stock performance. Easy to setup, fully configurable to your needs, focus on your goals!
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Blockchain, Ethereum, Smart Contracts, Solidity, Truffle, React, Unit testing with Truffle
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This project combines Hyperledger Aries and Solid PODs to combine identifier of these two worlds and use verifiable credentials for verified business transactions.
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Travel distance by POAP collectors
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The Community Website for the DEVMOI Community.
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Blockchain project, Ethereum, Truffle, OpenZeppelin, ERC20, React, Unit Test with Chai
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[Archive] Ethereum/Solidity notes, guides, examples, and tutorials
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Testing out the API to view ERC20 token balances.
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For this project, you will create a DApp by adding functionality to your smart contract and deploy it on the public testnet.