Projects with this topic
NodeJS / TypeScript project. This is the CLI and REST frontend of DRAIG: Database REST Interactive Generator, a microservice-oriented ExpressJS server generator based on OpenAPI definitions using Knex/Objective integration.
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NodeJS / TypeScript project. Database REST Interfaces Generator is a microservice-oriented ExpressJS server generator based on OpenAPI definitions using Knex/Objective integration to allow complex and flexible DB persistence and querying over supported database vendors of choice
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Kisphp fake data generator for english language
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This is a TYPO3 extension. It's a wrapper for fakerphp/faker. With this extension you can randomize content in database tables. It's useful to anonymize data on development systems.
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The anonym library is designed to anonymize sensitive data in Python, allowing users to work with, share, or publish their data without compromising privacy or violating data protection regulations.
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Create models of faked data, using Marak's faker, and more, using model definitions which closely match your project's MVC models.