Projects with this topic
This project aims to provide a simple way to perform a PostgreSQL server/db backup using pg_dump and to upload it to Google Cloud Storage. It was greatly inspired from diogopms/postgres-gcs-backup. https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/enmanuelmoreira/postgres-gcp-backup/
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Demo project deploying nexus3 on GKE
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Archived - Project is inactive and not maintained. This should not be used for any production activity.
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"Cloud container data analytics, statistical modeling, and machine learning on distributed databases". "A free opensource alternative to SPSS, SAS, MATLAB, PowerBI, Tableau and Alteryx". Runs on Linux, Windows, MacOS, and in the cloud via containers.
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Google Cloud Shift-left security demonstration containing infrastructure, continuous delivery pipeline and tooling to support security from within a build pipeline
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Container used to display the contents of a Google Cloud Storage bucket if access is available