Projects with this topic
Static website hosted by GitLab Pages
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This GitLab mirror is only used for CI, please report issues here: and submit changes here:
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EXPERIMENTAL/BETA: Dependency Scanning for supported projects
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IronFox is a secure, hardened and privacy-oriented web browser for Android, based on Firefox.
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Opensource, cross-platform and portable toolkit for automating routine processes when carrying out various works for testing!
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This is a mirror for the SSH library
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Phoenix is a suite of configurations & advanced modifications for Mozilla Firefox, designed to put the user first - with a focus on privacy, security, freedom, & usability.
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Mirror of Please open issues and pull requests there. Docker image to run an IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2.
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Mirror of Please open issues and pull requests there. Scripts to build your own IPsec VPN server, with IPsec/L2TP, Cisco IPsec and IKEv2.
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Hoppr-Cop is CLI and Hoppr Plugin that generates high quality vulnerability information from a cyclone-dx Software Bill of Materials (SBOM) by aggregating data from multiple vulnerability databases.
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A project dedicated to teaching beginners and non-tech-savvy people about digital privacy and cybersecurity.
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[github mirror] gradle-wrapper-verify - verify gradle-wrapper.jar sha256sum against published releases
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A Python-based CLI tool designed to scan GitLab projects for compliance against the CIS GitLab Benchmark. Check out the recommendations-as-code in this repo. Read the docs for more info.
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This basic note-taking application is used to showcase the different GitLab features around security and governance. To get started checkout the Full Tutorial Documentation.
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Rule Repository for GitLab SAST
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Full set of AppArmor profiles (~ 1500 profiles)
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An easy-to-use Python tool for performing subdomain enumeration, endpoint recognition, and more
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Esse projeto é a parte prática de uma análise do uso do HTTPS em sites de apostas regulamentados para operar no Brasil pela LEI Nº 14.790 que são obrigadas a utilizar o domínio "". As URLS dos sites utilizados foram coletados no site do Ministério da Fazenda. Com as URLS foi possível fazer uma busca sobre a segurança dos sites utilizando o "" e outro script chamado "" para automatizar as buscas. Após as isso informações foram agrupadas e contabilizadas utilizando o arquivo "metricas.js".