Projects with this topic
Read MaxMind DB files and map IP addresses to countries and cities
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Read MaxMind DB files and map IP addresses to countries and cities
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MMDB reader for geolocation and ASN lookup of IP addresses
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mmDbDaemon is a memory-resident MaxMind Database reader implementation in PHP.
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Look up location information by IP address
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Map geographic coordinates to time zone names
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Part of the master's thesis at the FU Hagen. The focus of the work is on DevX. The development of the same app with Flutter and with React Native is investigated. Complementary project with React Native will be published soon. The open branches are intentional. new_geolocator is the most advanced.
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The project provides the usage examples of the API that allows to work with geolocation: positioning, satellites info, maps
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O projeto realiza a coleta de dados da API da NASA para extrair imagens de satélite da cidade de Manaus e de outros dados referentes à coleta, salva tanto a imagem quanto os dados (JSON) localmente para posterior análise e plotagem, e auxiliar assim por exemplo no combate à queimadas, focos de incêndio, qualidade do ar, entre outras questões. (Em andamento)
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A Command-Line Interface (CLI) tool written in Python for retrieving the local time and date of a given location, including cities and countries, using the IPGeolocation API. Supports different display types and configurable API key for secure access.
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Microservice for work with geo data (cities, areas, metro)
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Aplikasi presensi untuk ASN di suatu Pemerintah Daerah. Menggunakan GetX Framework dengan model MVC dalam pemrograman. Menggunakan REST API dari backend local server untuk proses pengolahan data. Menggunakan Firebase Firestore, Firebase Authentication dan Firebase Storage untuk proses pengolahan data. Menggunakan package Geolocator dan Geocoding untuk mengolah Latitude Longitude pengguna. Menggunakan package Safe Device untuk mendeteksi Mock Location atau Fake GPS ketika presensi.
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web app displaying workouts on a map and saving them to local storage, uses leaflet.js and geolocation. course project for js course.
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Augmented Reality as Progressive Web App based on geolocation.
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Simple location picker for Svelte projects.
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Link: Description: A map of Halifax's public murals that showcase mural locations, image, artists, and description of murals using React and Leaflet!