Projects with this topic
Example of using Allure Report on GitLabCI with hosting reports on GitLab Pages.
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A container image to run Lighthouse and Lighthouse CI with the latest Chromium release.
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Docker Puppeteer is a container image with the recommended configuration for using Puppeteer to drive a headless Chrome browser.
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Docker Puppeteer is a container image with the recommended configuration for using Puppeteer to drive a headless Chrome browser.
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GitLab CI project for running pa11y-ci analysis.
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Docker java build image for gitlab-ci based on docker-in-docker (dind), jdk (adoptopenjdk) and maven
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Maintaining and deploying a collection of self-hosted apps using Docker Compose, deployed via GitLab Runners.
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This Git repository serves as a valuable resource for managing Dockerfiles and associated scripts.
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Collection of GitLab CI-CD-Catalog actions. Allows users to build Docker/OCI Container Images.
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The purpose of this project is to improve pipeline performance when scanning for vulnerabilities in containers by providing a prebuilt Docker container where the vulnerability database is already downloaded
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Container image for building DocBook documentation with GitLab CI
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Ce kata est un challenge d'automatisation de la livraison et du deploiement d'un site statique hébergé en local au travers d'une instance de conteneur Nginx.
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Utilities and images for Rust GitLab CI/CD pipelines.
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Service to share GitLab scheduled job statuses with badges.
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gcix - Write your GitLab CI pipelines in X languages
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GitLab CI Inspector, or gci for short, is a tool for working with GitLab CI configuration files , e.g. .gitlab-ci.yml. It can be used to lint CI configurations (using GitLab's api), to merge multi-file CI configurations into single YAML files, to debug template extension and comparing configurations (and much more!).
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Sonarqube Sonar Scanner with own ca certs
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Docker Image to build CoreMedia CMCC-12, 11, 10, CMS-9, ... Workspaces with Platform Releases up to 2406 - at least - and starting from 1701
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An Alpine-based Docker image to run scc based on the project recommendation.