Projects with this topic
A slim Python CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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🎉 A slim Shellcheck standalone linter and a CodeClimate engine for GitLab CIUpdated -
An Ansible Lint slim container and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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Includes common files used across different types of common file repositories (e.g. Go, Python, TypeScript, Go, more..)
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😉 A slim Proselint standalone linter / CodeClimate engine for GitLab CIUpdated -
A slim HTMLHint linter / CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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🚀 A Docker-in-Docker container for testing with ContainerStructureTest and GitLab Runner👏 Updated -
A slim Flake8 and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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A slim jscpd standalone linter / CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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A slim Hadolint standalone linter and a CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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A slim Stylelint standalone linter and a CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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A slim golangci-lint container and CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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A slim YAMLLint container that can also serve as a GitLab CI-ready CodeClimate engine
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An EditorConfig CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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🐴 A CLI that extends ansible, ansible-playbook, and ansible-vault to use the system keyring for vault passwordsUpdated -
A general-purpose, compact Dockerfile project that includes various programs required for CI/CD
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👉 An ESLint 8 slim container and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI🚀 Updated -
A Python CLI that acquires direct links to operating system's ISO installers
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A spin of ansible-autodoc that only documents variables
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An Ansible CLI tool that generates platform compatibility data and charts from Molecule test results