Projects with this topic
Image viewer with user-labels tag database
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My purpose is to merge two backup files of JW Library into a single one
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Aurora OS Application demonstrates a dialog for multiple selecting files and directories
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Files shared across NPM projects including global common files, doc partials, and shared configs
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A glorious combination of application / theme settings and a performant cross-platform, desktop-oriented software suite.
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A generic starting template for any project
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Scripts / supporting files used in IFTTT recipes
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Includes common files used across different types of common file repositories (e.g. Go, Python, TypeScript, Go, more..)
📗 📘 📙 Updated -
A filebrowser plugin for the DeaDBeeF audio player.
Note: This project is not under active development anymore!
Check out the source (see README for info):
Old project home:
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Multi-purpose rename tool with advanced features
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my-scripts-n-stuff Just some random scripts and stuff I used to use and still use on my linux setup there might be some horrible windows stuff as well but shhh! Don't look at that
😁 . I wouldn't recommend you use any of it directly but feel free toUpdated -
Backup your LEPTON-data and your LEPTON-database
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Common files used in Go projects including global common files, documentation partials, and shared configurations
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Repository that hosts common files for Packer projects
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Common files used in Dockerfile projects including global common files, documentation partials, and shared configurations
🐳 Updated