Projects with this topic
https://nestorpi.talbart.fr Generic framework used to control robots, or various other applications, on the Raspberry Pi.
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Web UI for crontab based control of N-level relays (aka relay-pi). Supports GPIO-connected devices and remote devices with Tasmota firmware.
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Reads total power consumption values from an influxdb and calculates several statistics like power consumption including costs per day, per week, per month, and per year.
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Umsetzung des MVC-Konzepts am Beispiel einer Alarmanlage mit dem Raspberry Pi
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node.js Backend-Applikation zur Krippensteuerung mittels Raspberry Pi GPIO Interface
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Exemplo de projeto escrito em Python utilizando Bottle e libMRAA para acessar a GPIO (no caso o led conectado na porta 13 dela) do Intel Edison.
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