Projects with this topic
Build modern web with Sass, ESNext & WordPress workflow.
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For frontend projects using Gulp and some libraries to automate tasks. Gulp 4, SCSS, TypeScript, BrowserSync.
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Create a Browserify bundler with multiple entries based on a glob pattern. Rebuild incrementally watching for changes, including additions and deletions of files that match the glob pattern.
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Gulp plugin that converts Word documents to html or markdown using mammoth.js
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This is the default template of files for Project-Build to Front-End dev. With examp. files. Feel free to change it and remake it.
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Meissam-WP-Starter-Theme is a starter theme including full setup for Gulp, Webpack, Babel, PostCss, Browsersync and beautiful admin panel based on Slate admin theme.
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Marxco Icons CS is custom web-font with the taste of FontAwesome.
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Tema do site baseado no tema pai de todos Odin
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Crea objetos JSON a partir de la unión de objetos JSON declarados en distintos archivos. | Conceptos: Gulp, JSON
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Disponible en
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Nifty examples for use with the Gulp build system.
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Magento 2 less compiling with Gulp 4
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This is a frontend starter template with using Gulp.js, Pug, SASS and Babel.
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Gulp workflow for Greencko / Drupal / Projects / Profiles / Modules / Themes
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A web client demo for testing skills
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Fast-loading WP theme for building sites from scratch. More info: Fast loading, fully optimised WordPress theme; Automatic image compression; SCSS to CSS conversion; CSS combine & minimize; Minimize JS files
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Web frontend for the configuration project (Brainy variables).