Projects with this topic
Just a website for a digital marketing company (front-end)
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Front-end for a browser extension website about bookmark management
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Just a small skele for personal projects.
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Common functions and tasks used in Gulp for packages built using npm.
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Online office where you can create, delete and change a visit to the doctor. Filter options, auth.
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A project with a responsive design built using Gulp as the task runner.
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responsive design project on gulp, with BEM
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Builds and publishes NuGet packages using npm and dotnet.
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Builds HTML website and Intellisense XML files using Doxygen.
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Сайт-визитка агентства недвижимости и скаутинга с функциями каталога, добавления позиций в избранное и отправки заявок на сделку. Используется интеграция с Yandex Maps js api.
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The crazy simple HTML + SASS + Gulp sandbox
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Email templating with Gulp, MJML, Nunjucks and BrowserSync