Projects with this topic
SMHasher3 is a test suite for evaluating non-cryptographic hash functions. It focuses on things like output distribution and collisions, with some perf tests. Based on the SMHasher fork maintained by Reini Urban (https://github.com/rurban/smhasher).
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Integrity Check - Vinari Software is primarily a Microsoft Windows application written in C++ and QT, designed to get the verification sum of a file (MD5, SHA1, SHA256, SHA512) and compare to the sum of verification provided by the file creator.
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Simple app to get several hash of a given text
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A sha256sum clone in C++ , text files and binary files works fine.
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Optimized password list based SHA-256 password cracking written in C/C++, OpenCL for GPU
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Use libsnark to create proof of hash pre image knowledge. This project builds a library and the executable with the functions for generator, prover and verifier. The keys and proofs are stored on files so that they can be shared between entities.
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High Dynamical Range Types are some data structures, which are created for fastest programs of world.