Projects with this topic
Projeto em Flutter de calculadora de Índice de Massa Corporal (IMC)
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Service that obtains and structures Johns Hopkins CSSE data on COVID-19.
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R, Python and SQL tutorials for health data science
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Analysis of education-specific contributions to trends in life expectancy free of disability and chronic disease in Spain between 2008-2017.
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Web application to create and store a FHIR Patient resource in HAPI FHIR server & COVID-19 status report
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Provides interfaces to fetch data via REST API and save specific food configurations
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Basic plugin for a “Minecraft” Level to play a role-play arena shooter by the Panda Club & Tristan “ChainsawNinja” Magers
→ Currently works only with the Competition Level
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This a real time Ionic reference app for COVID-19 numbers with three tabs, the first one with information about the global status, the second one with the information of the countries you choose and the last one some information for the WHO.
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Youresearch allows people with incurable diseases to share statistics about their day-to-day routines. With enough data it's possible to find out what is affecting the flow of the disease, which can help to create effective medication.
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Um sistema distribuído, para lembrete sobre remédios e outros avisos médicos via SMS e App próprio. Com cadastro de pacientes, consultas, remédios a serem tomados e horários das doses.
Este é o repositório da interface web de gestão.
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Process movement data from neuromotor tests on Kinesia ONE devices to estimate Parkinson's Disease in patients.
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Please do understand the consequences of COVID-19, it is not just a virus, but a deadly weapon that can easily wipe off our whole human race. Within just 4 months of this attack, more than 65000 people lost their lives and many more will.
Updated - simplifie l’exploitation de la base Transparence-Santé. Nous croyons en une médecine au service des patients, indépendante d’intérêts économiques privés.
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Parse CSV files from Tanita medical scales and upload the supported entries into fitbit's database. Right now supported: (means, in the venn diagramm's intersection of: provided by tanita and consumed fitbit)
weight BMI bodyfatUpdated -
A DIY instruction set and rough to run an HEG off an Arduino Nano. It uses an IR and Red LED, an OPT101 sensor, and ADS1115, and an Arduino Nano V3. The HEG is basically a pulse oximeter for your cortex and allows for biofeedback and direct control.