Projects with this topic
2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Jiri Znoj - personal website
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MTG round timers for multiple events. https://timers.florius.com.ar/
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2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Workout app for tracking daily exercise (now supported - PullUps, PushUps, Squats, SitUps, Burpees, HipThrust, Dips, Dumbbells, Walk, Run, Bike, Swim, RollerSkates, Plank, Gym, Fitness, Yoga)
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Multistep Form Custom Hook With React, TypeScript and Bootstrap.
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Custom React Store is a store manager for React apps that uses the Context and Reducer hooks to replicate redux functionality and supports combine reducer
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2020, TypeScript, Ant Design, React, Hooks, Redux, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Balance from CoinMate count in CZK
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2020, TypeScript, React, Hooks, React Bootstrap, Redux - Web app use 3dbinpacking.com to calculate if products fit the box or not.
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2020, TypeScript, React, Hooks, Redux, CSS, Firebase, GitLab CI/CD - Web app that allows registered users to sign up for and create events. The app contains several pages: Sign in, Event List, Create Event, 404 Page.
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Higher Order Component able to enhance any react component with an Intersection Observer
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Alloc8 is a webapp for generating and managing random groups of people based on Infinite Improbability Drive.