Projects with this topic
A NodeMCU (ESP8266 Microcontroller) based sensor measurement unit for monitoring and reporting weather related phenomenon like Temperature & Relative Humidity.
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Temperature, pressure and humidity measurement (Weather click)
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A useful diagram for every-day meteorological humidity applictions
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Componente con datos para estación meteorológica en tiempo real de la ciudad de Chipiona que muestra un resumen del tiempo en cada momento: Temperatura, humedad, tvoc, uv, uva, uvb, viento, rayos
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Código para controlar el sensor bosh bme-680 desde una raspberry usando python
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IoT based Temperature Humidity Monitor is a project designed to measure ambient Temperature and Humidity. This project uses a DHT22 Sensor to monitor the ambient Temperature and Humidity of any location and report it to the server over the internet.
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A distributed MQTT node written in Python
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nor-tec datagram receiver on PIC16F18313, using a Pemenol H3V4F 433MHz receiver module, running directly on a LiPo3.7V 18650 cell
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Library for forced mode usage of the BME280.
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Programming Internet of Things (COSC 2674) course first assignment about environment sensing using Raspberry Pi.