Projects with this topic
A very simple shell script for scraping imdb in json
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TensorFlow examples for Artificial Neural Networks course including: MLP with softmax output layer; MLP and CNN for MNIST dataset; CNN for CIFAR-10 dataset with data augmentation; LSTM with CNN layer for IMDB sentiment classification task.
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Gender recognition datasets used in the literature are subject to include incorrect class labels. Includes manually corrected labels for Adience, Afad, CelebA, Genki-4K, Imdb, LFW, Academic Morph, UTKFace, VGGFace2, and Wiki datasets.
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Example Angular application which uses Dgraph Slash GraphQL and data from and OMDb API to provide a list of the 125 worst-rated Sci-Fi movies.
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Introduction to Database Systems (CS-322, EPFL) project about setting up an IMDB database and performing different queries.
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Scrap episodes names from IMDb and fix file names
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Android App to find movie details and rating using Omdb API