Projects with this topic
Français: Projet simulant un chronomètre avec un afficheur 4 digits, une platine d'essai avec 2 boutons poussoir et un Arduino Uno ou un ESP32 réalisé avec le Framework Arduino en C++ avec
English: Project simulating a chronometer with a 4 digits display, a breadboard with 2 push buttons and an Arduino Uno or an ESP32 realized with the Framework Arduino in C++ with
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Français: Projet de simulation de gestion de feux de circulation avec un Arduino Uno, une platine d'essai avec 2 boutons poussoir, un potentiomètre et 5 DEL réalisé avec le framework Arduino en C++ avec
English: traffic lights management simulation project with an Arduino Uno, a breadboard with 2 push buttons, a potentiometer and 5 DEL realized with the Arduino Framework in C++ with
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Français: Projet de simulation de pompe à essence avec un ESP32, une plaquette d'expérimentation, un afficheur 4 digits réalisé avec le framework Arduino en C++ avec
English: Fuel pump simulation project with an ESP32, an experimentation electronic circuit, a 4 digits display, realized with the Arduino Framework in C++ with
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This project aims to develop a Semantic Knowledge Driven On-demand Data Offerings for Quarriable Smart City Data Marketplace
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IoT in Rust for IoT MQTT messaging, Fleet Provisioning and Device Shadow with AWS and alternate IoT infrastructure.
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This project develops an interactive cube that informs how data is managed within a given smart environment. For more details:
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Site des présentations des tutoriels de STM32Python . Les présentations sont réalisées en remarkjs.
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Hard and software for HAN IoT Node shield
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Firmware for an IoT cloud-based magnetometer system using a ST B_L4S5I_IOT01A dev board.
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This repository contains a template for the portfolio assignments and examples for HAN HM ESE IoT classes that are delivered to students that follow education at HAN ELT in parttime
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Add IoT capabilities to existing devices, using an ESP8266 module and a Unity based AR application. Communication will happen over MQTT, allowing you to control your devices from anywhere in the world.
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Early-stages project to identify, locate and stream security cameras.
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Implementation of an IoT-based administration system for the inventory of media informatics at the University of Hildesheim as part of a project
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Servo + (Temperature - Air/Soil Humidity - Pressure - TankLevel)
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CASP is developed to assist students, engineers and makers in designing, developing and validating real time embedded system software quickly with little programming effort.
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About Vision- S, Video Based Security and Safety Device: • Detects movements • Records video footage of activity deemed suspicious • Alerts the user using a buzzer • Records external temperature to provide fire safety alert • Display security and safety related details
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