Projects with this topic
this repo resemble ci cd lifecycle - we have 3 projects with 3 jenkinsfiles in each different stage in lifecycle is being handled (CI, CD-->K8 CD->(Terraform)->AWS)
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This repository demonstrates the use of Jenkins with various integration tools such as Docker, Ngrok, HashiCorp Vault, and Sonar.
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This is an Jenkins agent used to build docker images
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The initial task of practical work on the course "DevOps for operation and development" Смотреть ветки
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Setup Jenkins via Docker on Cloud infrastructure and build CI&CD pipelines.
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Full blown C++ project sample with testing and CI integration.
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Repositório de códigos usados para complementar a leitura do livro "Integração, Entrega e implantação Contínua com Jenkins" - Novatec.
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Jenkins docker-in-docker setup/starter for C++ projects.
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Jenkins integration sample for C++ projects.
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In this project we utilize Docker and Jenkins to build, test and deploy a Node.js app.
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Découvrez des tutoriels en français jenkins ici :
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A Dockerized Jenkins CI-CD system for Concordia
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Web IDE that use docker containers to build and run everything
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Contains necessary files to build a docker image with jenkins inside. Build the image inside gitlab ci/cd and push it to gitlab registry.