Projects with this topic
This mod adds a smart and fully functional safe house near Novac, with all the pre-war comforts and a little story about it. Mod posted at
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The diplom project (Infrastructure) of the Yandex practicum
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Данный проект разработан в учебных целях ЯндексПрактикум по направлению "DevOps для эксплуатации и разработки". Исходное задание
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The initial task of practical work on the course "DevOps for operation and development" Смотреть ветки
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El dockerfile tiene como funcionalidad, la de servir sonatype NEXUS3
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Setup Jenkins via Docker on Cloud infrastructure and build CI&CD pipelines.
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Utilize docker to host data persistent applications on cloud infrastructure.
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Setup Nexus artifact repository from scratch on a cloud server, build, publish and download artifacts.
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Ansible collection deploying Sonatype Nexus OSS into a docker stack
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Proxy implementation of nexus-stack
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Ansible role managing Sonatype Nexus via the REST api
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Angular Slider builded with Material library.
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Ansible Role to ïnstall and configure nexus3