Projects with this topic
Copy of QMK firmware for mkbd65
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Searching for an optimal way of getting input from humans fingers to computers.
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Audio visualizer and effects engine for RGB keyboards, mice, and accessories using the OpenRGB SDK. Supports Windows, Linux, and MacOS.
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A keyboard numpad and a calculator in the same box
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Multiple independent keyboards for the stmm-input framework and xinput (X11).
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Virtual keyboards over bluetooth for stmm-input and a test client.
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keyboard controller firmware for Atmel AVR and ARM USB families — personal fork with layouts for Laplace
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Razer Chroma, Corsair RGB, and other RGB peripherals spectrograph visualizer for Windows and Linux
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The MD25MU0101 is a 25 Pedal, MIDI/USB, Pedalboard. See's design utilizes an Arduino Teensy LC Micro-controller, 3 ea. 8 channel multiplexors and 25 Hall effect sensors. The microcontroller code including tests are in the repo.