Projects with this topic
Searching for an optimal way of getting input from humans fingers to computers.
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Demonstrating what you can achieve without mandatory usage of any kind custom of server side logic. You could use these on a CDN, shared web hosting without SSI or .htaccess or source code repository based hosting. Rendered: Some compliant with JavaScript0: Mirrored:
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The project where various SCOP user interfaces are located.
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React-based frontend for users to upload tabular data (csv format) from Star-Oddi sensor to Amazon S3 bucket. Upload triggers script to run, which creates a flagged csv file in a new bucket. Self-registration is disabled.
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Qt gallery interface
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This is the integration of two APIs created on the local server. Here is a work by ASK: my Alexa skill, which will get a request from someone’s voice and send it to GPT3 API, after resending it back, preparing, and saying it to the user. The project is under development.
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🐾 Jeu de MémoireDescription du Projet
👋🏿 Bienvenue dans mon premier projet de formation, "Jeu de Mémoire" ! Ce jeu interactif vous permet de tester votre mémoire en associant des paires d'images.Actuellement, il propose une interface utilisateur complète, incluant l'inscription, la connexion, la gestion de profil et, bien sûr, le jeu lui-même. Le développement est en cours et de nouvelles fonctionnalités seront ajoutées au fur et à mesure.
Interface d'inscription: Formulaire permettant de créer un compte avec un nom d'utilisateur, un e-mail, un mot de passe et la confirmation du mot de passe.
Connexion : Interface prête pour permettre la connexion via e-mail et mot de passe (fonctionnalité en cours d'implémentation).
Profil utilisateur : Consultez et modifiez votre profil, avec vos informations d'inscription.
Choix du type de Memory: Sélectionnez parmi plusieurs thèmes de jeu.
Jeu interactif: Jouez en retournant les cartes pour retrouver les paires correspondantes.
Design Responsive: L'interface s'adapte aux différentes tailles d'écrans, offrant une expérience fluide sur mobile et desktop.
Technologies Utilisées
HTML: Structure du site web. CSS: Styles et mise en page. JavaScript : Gestion de la logique de jeu (retournement des cartes, etc.). Git: Gestion de version du projet. Visual Studio Code : Éditeur de codeUpdated -
A color-picker button control, with color picker pop-up window, for MFC applications.
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Simple menu for flaw detector using u8g2 library for STM32F4, but can be used for any other stm with minimal changes
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Reference web UI implementation for prplOS using the EmberJS framework.
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maThECH is an innovative online quiz generator built on the MERN stack, designed to make learning and assessment engaging and effective. Create, customize, and share quizzes seamlessly. Elevate your educational journey with maThECH.
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Demonstration of the ToggleGroup element and dropdown with options. Topics: #system #user-interface #sample #sick-appspace
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Changing visibility of UI parts dynamically with the UI elements StackedView and StackedPane. Topics: #system #user-interface #sample #sick-appspace
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Edit shape region in viewer on user interface Topics: #system #user-interface #getting-started #sample #sick-appspace
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Introduction to creating application specific user interfaces Topics: #system #user-interface #getting-started #sample #sick-appspace
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Showcase of different UI elements. This sample shows how to use them and bind to them. Topics: #system #user-interface #sample #sick-appspace
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Showing usage of DynamicTable UI element. Topics: #system #user-interface #sample #sick-appspace
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Example to show how to use the different data sources for the dynamicImage element. Topics: #system #user-interface #sample #sick-appspace #bindings #ui-builder #dynamicimage
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Using DropDown element in the UI with fixed values. Topics: #system #user-interface #sample #sick-appspace
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Using the Download Control available as a UI-Builder Control Package. Topics: #system #user-interface #sample #sick-appspace