Projects with this topic
Submit listens from Kodi to ListenBrainz. Based on Kodi’s official Last.FM add‐on.
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Stay up-to-date with videos, music, art, etc. created by TheOuterLinux and other retro-maniacs. Feel free to visit the website at https://theouterlinux.gitlab.io and download a copy of PsychOS at https://psychoslinux.gitlab.io.
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Kodi Addon for Red Letter Media Content. (Parsing the Website)
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A Mycroft skill that leverages Majel to search for & play from various video streaming services.
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[github mirror] m - minimalistic media manager | https://obfusk.ch/m
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Python script to get movie information from a kodi instance to a Google Spreadsheet.
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Kodi plugin to download movies directly from "zonetelechargement" website
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Unofficial Kodi addon for Linux to bring Shadow inside our media center. (http://shadow.tech)
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A Kodi launcher add-on that controls the launched app through Kodi buttons/actions.