Projects with this topic
Geonkick is a free software synthesizer capable of generating a wide range of percussive sounds, including kicks, snares, claps, hi-hats, shakers, and also unique effect sounds. -
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Linux app for streaming music from YouTube Music.
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Puristic sound and music synthesizer that reads YAML files for score and instrument characteristics, and outputs close-to-natural music. Well, that depends on the input of course.
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Various music-related tweaks/tips/scripts. Includes fuzzy selection of artist/genre/album script and albumart in the console script
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Play chords in Roman numeral notation:
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[Work in Progress] An experimental synthesizer based on user-defined expressions
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Biblioteca BASh para execução via sox de músicas usando a notação científica de altura das notas (nome[acidente] e oitva) e a duração.
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将您保存在网易云音乐、QQ音乐等在线音乐平台的歌单数据,转换成本项目支持的本地音乐播放器(如Salt Player、APlayer、Poweramp等)可识别的歌单格式,完成歌单的导入操作,方便您快速从在线音乐平台迁移歌单到本地音乐播放器。Convert song list data saved by users in online music platforms such as NetEase Cloud Music, QQ Music, etc. to the song list format recognised by local music players supported by this project (e.g. Salt Player, APlayer, Poweramp, etc.), and then complete the import operation of the song list, so that it is convenient for users to quickly migrate song lists from online music platforms to local music players.
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A useful Sound Manager Plugin for Godot Engine 4 that gives the user more power on the audio of the game.
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Small container of Supysonic based on Python Alpine Linux image
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Small container of Polaris based on Alpine Linux
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Minimalistic music player for the Linux desktop
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This project is a simple brown noise generator built using TypeScript.