Projects with this topic
This project is a scalable, web based LED control platform I developed for my fathers model railway buildings. The main goal was to easily control a few hundred LEDs (on/off, dimming 0% - 100%), grouping some together and randomly turning some LEDs or groups on or off to create a lifelike simulation.
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A modern C++ library for using the GPIOs of a Raspberry Pi to control peripherals like LEDs, Servos, Relays etc.
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Arduino driver for panel on 7-segment indicators
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ESP32: LED-Strip with Real-Time Spectral Analysis
Hardware: Microcontroller: AZDelivery ESP32 NodeMCU, Microphone: Max9814, LED strip: WS2812 (60 LEDs)
Features: spectral rendering of incoming audio signal, dynamic rendering of incoming audio signal, dynamic color rendering, static color rendering
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WIP | Headless web browser for sequencing web pages on arbitrarily-mapped RGB LED screens
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Led strip visualizer via bluetooth served in an Android application!
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A Texas Instruments TLC5947 library for AVR-G++ and Arduino https://tlc5947.jordi.page
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Library for "fading" integers up and down with parallel timers based on millis. mainly aimed to dimm LEDs parallel in different steps and speeds. but might be useful for other stuff where we need incrementation or decrementation of ints
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Proyecto de fin de curso en el que simularemos un sistema de apertura y cierre de válvula por medio de SMS desde un número autorizado. También hará de relé para los mensajes SMS que provienen de números no autorizados.
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C/C++ SPI interface for ws2801 LED strips using spidev
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This is the arduino code for a robot beacon I have designed for my lawnmower. The 3D printer files can be downloaded from https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2599552
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Bibliothèque d'affichage pour afficheur led 7segments, 4 chiffres : LTC-4627JS
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matrix led driver - obsolescence oriented - drive them all!
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Light clock based in Mengenlehreuhr from Berlin