Projects with this topic
All-in-one web gui and server manager for Factorio. Start/stop servers, upload new maps, edit server-settings (ie: server name, password, admins, user limit, etc), easily upgrade to new versions of Factorio. Run multiple Factorio servers from one gui
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Installs SDKMAN on Linux or macOS
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This applicaton lets the users manage their collection of cards from the Discord bot game "Karuta".
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Vuex module to handle user authentication using IKOA Business Opportunity Identity Management Service. This library provides the vuext store state, actions, and mutations to handle security into VueJS UI Frontend applications.
The package is develop
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Electron file manager
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The main music management web application.
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una BITACORA DE GASTOS> aplicacion sencilla de registros de asentamientos de salida
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The paranoid configurator
🤖 Updated -
Multi user password manager, serving over HTTPS.
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