Projects with this topic
A tool for analyzing Telegram chats
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Код лабораторных работ по курсу "Цифровизация физических процессов" ВШПИ 2 курс.
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dantro is a python package for handling, transforming, and visualizing hierarchically organized data.
Integrated into data-intensive projects, it supplies an easy way to define a customizable, configuration-based data processing pipeline. See utopya for an example.
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This python package provides tools to produce pgf figures to be used with LaTeX.
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Praktisi Mengajar 2024 Teknik Informatika Universitas Nusa Putra
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A pricing graph of the 930, 964, and 993 generations of Porsche 911s based on data from Cars & Bids.
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A project to develop a non-invasive, AI-powered system for detecting lung cancer associated with combustion particles and fine particulate matter (PM2.5).
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Live data visualisation via Matplotlib
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Este repositorio contiene los dos casos de estudio realizados como parte del Diplomado de Extensión en Data Science. En ambos casos, se utilizaron técnicas de programación en Python y Data Science para analizar conjuntos de datos y extraer información valiosa.
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More toolkits for matplotlib
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AnsiBisection is a root finder of a single variable function using bisection method, written in Python.
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A library to help us make waterfall plots.
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store and open your matplotlib figures as pickled files
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Simulation program developed in order to investigate the the influence of the Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction on the emergence of topologically nontrivial magnetic structures in two-dimensional systems. The simulation is designed to explore the conditions under which skyrmions, antiskyrmions and bimerons manifest in the presence of competing interactions.
Scripts for the output data post-processing, analysis and visualization are also included.
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Creation of a trading robot for data analysis and manipulation of the libraries Pandas, Numby, MatplotLib, Yfinance, Seaborn
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Code from mechanic physics labs (university course)
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My attempts to solve homework from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology course
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All left code from labs 1-3 years(university studing)
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Raw project code to complete labs of statistical radiophysics (university course)
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Collection of completed data-mining (university course) on python