Projects with this topic
Implemented Jenkins for automated code checkout, Maven builds, and test execution. Integrated SonarQube for code quality analysis and configured Docker for consistent container deployments, with Trivy used for vulnerability scanning.
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Fundamentals of Java Design Patterns
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Programme Java qui permet de créer un projet avec une architecture type clean archi.
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This project is home to the Maven CI/CD component and it's related assets
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Automation Test of OrangeHRM website using Playwright
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Projet Java et VueJS d'une application de sport Java avec une app Web en VueJS
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Gradle plugin for building and uploading bundles to the Sonatype Central Portal.
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A presentation tool that allows embedding of java applications and pdf slides together
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Maven archetype for simple experiment projects
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A Java console application that solves a sorting problem
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Automation Test of Mobile App using Appium
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An app that uses Amadeus API to retrieve flights information from web. Spring Boot / Security, REST API, Amadeus API. Currently in development.
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Java based build container with Docker Engine, Maven, Gradle, SBT, and Ant installed. Docker engine is included to help make it sutable as a base contaier in a CI pipeline to build other containers.
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Mimosa CMS - legacy version
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Apache Maven, compiled from source on ARM64.
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The app to see your pet data. Spring backend with MySQL database and Angular frontend. The final bigger practical project during SDA JREE27. Project creation time 16.12-...04.24. (In development)
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A Docker image mimicking the InteliJ IDEA bundled version of Maven used in CI pipelines and including report transformations for GitLab merge requests.