Projects with this topic
Generating Ruby object instances since 2010.
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This app is built-in React, Typescript and Cypress-Cucumber. It will display our beloved characters from star wars.
On viewing these characters you get to view more about that specific character. As well as this, you can also add your favourite characters to your very own favourite list which is where it'll be saved in localstorage.
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Java + Gherkin + Cucumber + Selenium + WebDriver Manager + Freemarker + Jasper Reports + OpenPdf + Lombok + Gson + RestAssured + JUnit
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Node + NestJS + Axios + Morgan + Test Unitarios (jest) + Test de Aceptación (cucumber) + Test de Rendimiento (artillery/jmeter) + Reporte de Cobertura (jest)
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Node + Express + Axios + Json Web Token + Pino + Test Unitarios (mocha + chai + supertest) + Test de Aceptación (cucumber) + Test de Rendimiento (artillery/jmeter) + Reporte de Cobertura (nyc)
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This service will provide an endpoint to upload videos and save them as file chunks in mongodb, the trough another endpoint you will get a video by id first from the mongo database and then the chunks will be sent to a kafka topic and from that topic the client will consume the chunks to show the video
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This project adds examples of how to setup gitlabCI/CD pipelines and structure your unit and integration tests, as well as integrating a mongodb and kafka server in the gitlabCI/CD environment
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Automation Test of OrangeHRM website using Playwright
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This project showcases automation testing for an e-commerce website, where I performed various automation scenarios using Selenium in Java. The goal of the project is to ensure the functionality and reliability of the website through comprehensive automated tests. By simulating user interactions and testing different features, the project aims to enhance the website's performance and user experience.
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Automation Test of Mobile App using Appium
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Ledger posting micro service application with Java, Springboot and Kafka.
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Automation Framework Cucumber TestNG with Selenium Java building by Anh Tester
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Example test project for GET products endpoint
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Quickly creating a convenient, extensible PageObject hierarchy based on Selenide. Additional functionality for working with a page and organizing elements structure. Kotlin DSL for Page Object, and fully compatible with Java 11 Cucumber steps
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Sample Selenium Java Test cases automation for
Covers the following concepts: Java TestNG Selenium Maven Cucumber Gherkin Docker Gitlab