Projects with this topic
Admirez la construction d'un labyrinthe à partir d'un quadrillage. Reposez vos yeux devant cette animation fluide et agréable, qui apaisera votre esprit. Profiter d'une personnalisation complète de la taille du labyrinthe et de sa vitesse de construction, pour une experience d'autant plus unique.
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Breadth First Search and Depth First Search in a 2D maze.
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A small game about mice in an infinite maze, built for Gemini (the internet protocol, not one of the other projects named Gemini)
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Swiss Cheese is a 3D maze game. The player is placed in a maze and must find a way out.
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A 2D perfect maze generator and solver, both rectangular and hexagonal.
The project employs multiple algorithms, including Recursive Backtracker, Prim's and Growing Tree for the generator, and Wall Follower and Bidirectional Recursive to solve.
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Introduction to Programming (CS-107, EPFL) project about solving a maze using different algorithms.
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Maze generators in e̶v̶e̶r̶y̶ some programming languages
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The goal of this project is to generate mazes (done in a reasonable amount of time), solve them (from 4 different ways and done in a reasonable amount of time), and print the solution.
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Proyecto realizado durante el workshop de Python de Epitech en la UNLP.
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Un générateur de labyrinthe en Go en mode texte ! enjoy
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