Projects with this topic
Files shared across NPM projects including global common files, doc partials, and shared configs
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A boilerplate / starting template for NPM CLI packages (using Nest Commander)
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🎉 A boilerplate for a generic NPM package🐴 Updated -
A boilerplate / instructions / tips for creating Node.js apps
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A tool that handles compressing, bundling, and unpacking production node_modules dependencies that you want to store in source control
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👉 An ESLint 8 slim container and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI🚀 Updated -
🚀 A changelog configuration for Semantic Release that supports emojisUpdated -
🔥 👉 Commitizen configuration that follows the Conventional Changelog format with emoji support🚀 Updated -
A Prettier plugin that formats the package.json file by leveraging the prettier-package-json CLI library
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A Jest preset geared towards TypeScript, Angular, and Node.js projects
🎉 🎉 Updated -
🚀 The official GitHub plugin, modified to accept repositoryUrl as a parameterUpdated -
Simplifies configuring Prettier by bundling plugins and configuring them in a single shareable configuration
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ESLint configuration for linting TS, JS, JSON, YAML, and TOML
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Bundles together an ambitious semantic-release shared configuration used across many project types
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Common Angular files and awesome boilerplate code that feeds a large group of repositories
🔥 ❤ ️🤖 Updated -
Oil Refinery is an Angular/Ionic base project that supports every build target imaginable
⛽ 🔥 🤤 Updated