Projects with this topic
Stylelint configuration with strict settings
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A Semgrep slim container and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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A generic starting template for any project
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Seafood Restaurant is a TunaSync-inspired Docker stack used to clone build dependency mirrors
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🐴 Boilerplate / starting point / instructions for creating a DockerfileUpdated -
🆓 Provides a great, cross-platform starting point for developing an Ansible role🐴 Updated -
A boilerplate / instructions / tips for creating Node.js apps
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An automated CentOS Stream Desktop Packer project (currently, version 8) that builds boxes using the latest CentOS Stream release
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A slim Python CodeClimate engine for GitLab CI
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Scripts / supporting files used in IFTTT recipes
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An automated Debian Desktop Packer template (currently, version 10.9) that builds boxes using the latest Debian Desktop Live release
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An automated Fedora Workstation Packer project that builds images with the latest Fedora Server release and along with scripts that upgrade it to the Workstation edition
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Contains Packer build scripts used for launching Mac OS X using Vagrant.
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An automated ArchLinux Desktop (currently, version 2022.04.05) Packer project that builds boxes using the latest ArchLinux release on a regular basis
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🎉 A slim Shellcheck standalone linter and a CodeClimate engine for GitLab CIUpdated -
An Ansible Lint slim container and a CodeClimate engine container for GitLab CI
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Includes common files used across different types of common file repositories (e.g. Go, Python, TypeScript, Go, more..)
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