Projects with this topic
Introduction to software architectural patterns
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Educational game about adventures a fox to programming with a code editor for kids
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Strata.js: the fast, opinionated, minimalist microservice framework for node
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Distributed Lock to execute Mutual Exclusion of a Shared Resource in a Microservice Architecture
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Services : - \clinets \books \auth \emprunts \notifications \Paiement
details :
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Game services for running the game world and social
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forked from in order to try to support Wiznet W5500
picoserve is a microservice framework that can be run on embeddeded devices
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Contiene pequeños repositorios con los proyectos de trabajo para las charlas-videos que haremos, mostrando lo que aprendimos y explicando conceptos en el camino. Zona de echar a perder.
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A simple back-end with the microframwework Flask , and Authentication with FlaskAuth
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🧩 Payetonkawa Microservices MSPR
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Blazor NET.8 TelegramBot HelpDesk
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Spring cloud API Gateway implemented in this project
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Spring cloud Spring Cloud Eureka Server implemented in this project for service discovery
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Micro servicio de procesamiento de datos de series temporales a traves de captura IOT. En desarrollo
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A solution that allows to manage the knowledge, learning, documentation separately or together.