Projects with this topic
eBooking For Enterprise is use for book the meetin rooms, offices, car, parking ...
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A simple caching middleware for Strata.js
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Desarrollo del Back End de la aplicacion Tu Cambista Online desarrollada en javascript. Se usa Firebase como el ambiente de produccion.
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A non intrusive set of tools to help structure and test simple microservices based on REST APIs using expressjs and typescript.
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Functional API-Gateway & Lambda Functions Framework
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Express middleware to avoid duplicates requests made by client
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Coverage: https://expresscpp.gitlab.io/expresscpp/, Examples: https://gitlab.com/expresscpp/expresscpp/tree/master/example
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Express NodeJS server exposing RESTful API focusing in images management
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Shows how to apply Passport authentication middleware in Node + Express RESTful API server.
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Open Source blueprint for large scale self-organizing cloud environments for IoT applications. For more details: http://iotgarage.net/projects/OpenIoT
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An expres middleware to check if requests contain a valid JWT token