Projects with this topic
CRUD básico para registro de Personas con ORM Sequalize
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Backend da aplicação Indietora | Projeto de Desenvolvimento I - 2024
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eBooking For Enterprise is use for book the meetin rooms, offices, car, parking ...
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It is a demonstration of ReactJS. By using a portal template to create a web application. Meanwhile, web socket is used to receive the notifications. It calls the restapi from the nodejsapiproject back-end application
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This project includes two Nodejs Framework Projects i.e. Expressjs And Nestjs for now. This is a demo project to show my practice in both frameworks and try to implement the knowledge I have about the framework.
In this project, as an ORM I use Sequelize (Sequelize-Typescript) and For the Database I use PostgreSQL.
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Projeto ensinado em um curso de NodeJs, ultilizando as ferramentas: EJS, Sequelelize, express e mysql
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Repositório para armazenamento do código que será utilizado como base para as aulas de back-end no TT 2023.1.
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This is sample use of GraphQL, Sequelize, Sqlite3 and Express.
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Easy to use project template for an express.js server. Includes Sequelize DB integration, Sass, JS-Minification and testing via Jest and Supertest. (Compatible with Gitlab Auto DevOps)
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