Projects with this topic
A simple shift scheduler app for ubuntu touch phones (ubports).
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Rent-a-Scooter web and mobile and web app. Mobile app is for Android (code in Kotlin) and web app in Django (code in Python).
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Disciplina de Mobile Development
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Mobile application for calculating a 15% tip (primarily to experiment with Qt/Android/iOs development and deployment workflows - we don't really need another tip calculator. Especially one this bad).
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For the next project I will carry out an API challenge to practice and improve my skills as an Android Kotlin developer, later I will document the libraries that I will implement to improve my productivity by developing and improving my work skills
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Training project that is a showcase mobile application for a local craftsman (Expérience Cordiste).
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rest api for flutter ecommerce mobile app (PHP 7)
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🎵 🔥 🌶 ♨ 🐲 🌏 ☠ React Native, == app ECOSYTEM+UNO+TRANSFORMER + Back4appUpdated -
Training project mobile application that lists the books you've read.
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Learn react native
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🎵 🔥 🌶 ♨ 🐲 🌏 ☠ React Native == app Prototipe TRANSFORMER + Back4appUpdated -
Training project consisting in creating a mobile application for Epicgames.
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