Projects with this topic
Sophie bot is a modern and fast Telegram chat manager.
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A Python client library for the MongoDB Atlas Administration API
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A ZIO interop library for reactivemongo
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Video-game and other media website to publish news, previews, leaks, tests... Backend in Go. DDB in Mongo. Using: Docker, Docker-Compose, GitlabCI.
Jira board:
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The next MongoDB driver for Kotlin
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The project aims to simplify the organizational and logistical processes of the Pathfinders community in a church. It consists of a mobile application that facilitates interaction between Pathfinders and their classes, units, and club, allowing for the visualization and projection of progress in various activities. The app does not seek to replace but rather to enhance the existing work by providing individual tracking throughout the year. Additionally, the platform will include a community of clubs, allowing members to share activities and different approaches to specialties.
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Services : - \clinets \books \auth \emprunts \notifications \Paiement
details :
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Anime series tracking site, using 'My Anime List' API to get information. Built with React, Node.js/Express with MongoDB database, utilizing REST architecture.
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Node.js: The Complete Guide to Build RESTful APIs (2018)
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Neste repositório, faço o controle de versão dos projetos, resumos e documentações de cada Sprint no programa de estágio em AWS & Performance for Software Quality Engineering.
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A Simple contact book web app made with react.js , Node.js, express and MongoDB
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Developed a full-stack e-commerce website for a clothing shop, featuring a user-friendly frontend for customers to browse and purchase products and a robust admin panel for managing inventory, orders, and user accounts. Built using modern web technologies, the platform ensures seamless functionality, responsive design, and an intuitive user experience.
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Test handbook fork
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Conteúdos que serão estudados e desenvolvidos durante o estágio.
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Key platform data integrations repo
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