Projects with this topic
Paradox Interactive社のストラテジーゲーム「Crusader Kings2」のMOD 「Nova Monumenta Iaponiae Historica」 (略称:NMIH)日本語化作業のためのプロジェクトです
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Paradox Interactive社のストラテジーゲーム「Crusader Kings2」のMOD 「Nova Monumenta Iaponiae Historica」 (略称:NMIH)を開発するためのリポジトリです。
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Releases for Cosmonarchy:
Weekly updates at:
We use the launcher for updates & downloads!
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Wear and unlock skins on Luanti
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Rain World: ImGUI API (ImGUI, ImPlot, ImNodes)
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A mod for the game Vintage Story about decorating and crafting with hide, leather and cloth.
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A cross-platform CLI package manager for mods.
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Releases for Cosmonarchy:
Nightly updates at:
We use the launcher for updates & downloads!
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X64 World Compatibility Patch for Iterator TTS
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📦 ⛵ A website for browsing mods for the game Raft. https://raftmodding.comUpdated -
BepInEx Plugins (Mods)
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This mod adds detailed seasons and natural events to Minecraft, creating a more realistic world to explore.
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Zen Browser mod to disable expanding the sidebar/toolbar by hovering/moving-across it with a pointer/cursor.
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A Vintage Story mod providing new furniture and furniture releated items.
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Because somebody asked for a turbo charger.
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[7DTD] Remove the UI crosshair from weapons while aiming down sight and with scopes.
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A Minecraft Java Edition Fabric mod adding elemental enchantments
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Teleport system for Luanti
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Mod to allow the selection of quirks to take into a new run
Archived 1Updated -
A small API to allow sharing entities with keys