Projects with this topic
My first attempt at fullstack development at my 13-14 years old, self-written CMS on PHP/MySQL
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✅ Get things done socially - https://taskord.comArchived 37Updated -
A modern website providing offline courses on software engineering and computer science.
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A compact social network created for the Class 8 of the 2008 grade at Hangzhou No. 14 High School.
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Crowd test platform based on Phalcon framework.
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The student management system designed for School of Software at Hefei University of Technology.
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Aplus Framework Database Library
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Projet universitaire.
Répondre aux besoins de l’association Trisomie 21 Toulouse : Application d’économie de jetons à visée éducative.
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Projet universitaire (devoir R301): Application web de gestion d'équipe sportive
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A PHP web app framework. It's designed to make small future projects faster and easier. This entire framework has emerged as a learning project and is being continuously developed.
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Dirty Code; save speedtest results in database ( your own PHP/Mysql-Webserver); shown as graph; Test-Device must execute a shell-script to start the very simple speedtest (e.g. openwrt)
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Contains source code for the 4th item of work.
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El proyecto Nogal busca implementar una forma de trabajar con el patrón de desarrollo similar al DAO en PHP para los aprendices del SENA de forma básica y también para cualquier otra persona que desee hacer uso de este desarrollo bajo licencia MIT.
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