Projects with this topic
Arch Linux Rice with neovim with A-Z textobj + LF multimedia-sixel file manager + touchcursor-like keyboard layout + bspwm sxhkd scripts
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For Managing Dotfiles/Configuration Files
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custom linux config files
🍚 as seen on r/unixporn #noricenolife neovim cultist -
My personal configs for various linux things
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My dotfiles. Gradual and slight changes from a LARBS install 2 years ago. The only thing here I'm pleased with is my Neovim config, which is mostly set up for LaTeX and note taking.
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Deuterium is a vim-implementation of the popular hydrogen plugin for Atom. Thus, it connects you to an IPython kernel running in the background which allows in-line feedback on the execution of your Python code.
Archived 1Updated -
Deoplete plugin for GitLab markdown references
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⚡ nvim host plugin provider and API client library in DUpdated