Projects with this topic
Proyecto de Java en el que se desarrolla el juego de "La caza del tesoro" utilizando los siguientes patrones de diseño: Factory method, Abstract factory, Adapter, Decorator y Observer. JDBC para base de datos.
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Publish/subscribe server & client model implementation
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Реализация паттерна проектирования Observer на нативном PHP
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在命令行上让 Erlang/Elixir Nodes 可视化
Visualize Erlang/Elixir Nodes On The Command Line
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Discord bot to observe team's position in BSWC 2022 Qualifiers / CC Tournaments in general
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Web based metrics, monitoring, and observer
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Simulation of an interactive auctioning processing programmed with Java RMI and Java FX. Server side receives and perform client calls and requests, store the current auctioning session and informs with Callback the updates to all the clients.