Projects with this topic
Plataforma Livre para cadastro e busca de fontes e aplicativos de dados abertos
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generate statistics for contributions to TinyWeatherForecastGermany for all collaborators and the weblate translators
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Scraper de proyectos de ley del Congreso Peruano
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Triffids will be based around the Bristol Open Data platform and make use of the 'Trees', 'Parks and Green Spaces' and 'Common Land and Village Green' datasets. There are other datasets that could be integrated, for example, 'Open Benches' and 'Trees
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ETL de extracción de datos de una base de datos postgresql como archivos CSV, conversión a JSON y carga de estos en Elastic Search
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Analiza registra stambenih zajednica -
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This project aims to open-up climate data of National Park Berchtesgaden for the public use