Projects with this topic
The WikiSuite installer is in fact the Virtualmin installer with some extra configurations for an optimal set up of WikiSuite components.
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Your next (unofficial) favourite Ruby gem for interacting with
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Adds a sweet set of dotfiles to your home directories
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GxMMx Flow Core is a Python package for Flow's core functionality.
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All-In-One Packager
Generate uniform packages for various platforms using simple source declaration. "Packages as Code"
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Files shared across NPM projects including global common files, doc partials, and shared configs
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A glorious combination of application / theme settings and a performant cross-platform, desktop-oriented software suite.
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🔥 👉 Installs the Betelgeuse Linux theme which styles a wide variety of display managers (among other things)🚀 Updated -
A generic starting template for any project
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Includes common files used across different types of common file repositories (e.g. Go, Python, TypeScript, Go, more..)
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Documentation partials used to generate documentation for Ansible roles, playbooks, and more
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A Prettier plugin that formats the package.json file by leveraging the prettier-package-json CLI library
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Ensures Snap is installed and properly configured on Linux systems
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🚀 Installs Android Studio and sets up Android SDKs on nearly any OS🎟 Updated -
Bundles together an ambitious semantic-release shared configuration used across many project types
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Golang module to cache and query IANA registries.