Projects with this topic
🔐 Secure, fast & convenient password manager CLI using GPG and git to sync.Updated -
An extension for pass ("the standard unix password manager") which allows team members to share passwords among themselves using Role-based Access Control. Read the Docs
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A simple yet flexible library (and command-line application) to access passwords from various backends (GPG/pass, Linux SecretService, Windows Credentials Manager, etc).
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Simple perl script to import Firefox Lockwise logins into pass. (gitlab mirror)
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Node Editor pour passes de rendu sur base de ImGui node editor :
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Personal System Configuration
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passh: a pass fork - stores, retrieves, generates, and synchronizes passwords securely. This is a readonly mirror.
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Extension for pass [1] allowing to check all entries of your password store against I Have Been Powned (HIBP) [2].
Run it periodicaly to verify if your accounts have been compromised.
[1] [2]