Projects with this topic
Estándar de datos para interconexión de la Plataforma Digital Estatal del Sistema Anticorrupción con instituciones públicas del Estado de México
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Minimal Phase Field codes implemented in Python: we provide here python scripts realizing minimal implementation of Phase Field models. The current repository is meant for didactic and illustrative purposes (and/or quick checks). The following models are included (list will be periodically updated).
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Investigation of numerical methods for damping reflections of quantum waves on numerical boundaries for Schrödinger equation.
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A C++ library focused on tools for solving Partial Differential Equations with strong-form mesh-free (meshless) methods, such as RBF-FD, GFDM, FPM, etc...
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Просто пара примеров решения диффуров
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Numerical implementation of the solution of the extended Gross-Pitaevski equation that describes two-dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate interacting with a rotating molecule. Code uses the backward Euler scheme to solve imaginary that gives the system's ground state properties. In principle, code can be expanded to solve any non-linear partial equation that follows the variational rule (like eGPEs) and to any dimensionality.
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A simple solver for laplace equation in 2D usable for electrostatics
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Datasets of exact solutions for numerical PDE, which are generated by 1-order methods in finest grids
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Solve Boundary Value Problems for Partial Differential Equations and Systems with Finite Difference Algorithms.
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Animaciones creadas con Processing