Projects with this topic
Advanced enterprise Free Open Source DMS (document management system).
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This Python script merges all PDF files in the current directory into a single PDF file named "merged.pdf" using the PyPDF2 library. It iterates through the PDF files, appends their content to a PdfWriter object, writes the merged content to a new file, and then closes the PdfWriter object.
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формирование печатных форм для отправки почтой генерация pdf форм происходит согластно заданым критериям
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A system for Free Kriegsspiel Revolution tabletop roleplaying.
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gbTeXpublisher es una aplicación de escritorio que permite gestionar de manera fácil los procesos de producción editorial basados en el lenguaje LaTeX.
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Small server solution to provide html content for signage displays. Get it running in 15 minutes. It simply takes the files from a directory...
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Qt watermarking app for images and PDFs
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pdfjoin is a command line tool, a droplet and a Python library to join several PDF documents into a single one.
It will join all files passed as argument into a new file. As a special feature it can operate as a "droplet".
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Web page to PDF converter using PyQtWebengine (Chromium engine)
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Python package render engine for Markdown (Markdown) and PDF (Weasyprint).
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Rearrange pages in PDF file into signatures for printing books. Much like psbook does for Postscript files, but working with PDF.
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PDF extraction for Mage: the Awakening spell cards
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A client application for connecting to the md2pdf-webserver REST interface
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Images, pdfs, etc. used in this group.
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python click app I use mainly on
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Use WSL's pdftotext from Windows