Projects with this topic
A oneshot adventure for the BIND RPG.
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A system for Free Kriegsspiel Revolution tabletop roleplaying.
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This repository is outdated! See the new Rules Sheet repo instead!
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[Freezed] Tabletop game partner search helper
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Unofficial Foundry VTT implementation of the Dungeon Bitches RPG by Dying Stylishly Games. Uses the Powered By The Apocalypse (pbta) system.
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The Book "Principia Apochrypha" made into a module for Foundry VTT.
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D&D 5th Edition Digital DM Shield (Cheat Sheet)
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Règles optionnelles pour le jeu de rôle Chroniques Oubliées.
Résultat visible à cette adresse.
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Antum is a game about exploration, ancient ruins, obscure magic, and rise and fall of empires. In it, you will take on the role of renaissance-people who are knowledgeable in a wide range of skills, and who have the opportunity to tackle the extraord
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A spellbook app for Pathfinder
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This is a mirror of oWoD-Bot written by dark-side-droid.
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In this project i create a tool to create fan-armees and armee-lists for the Warhammer tabletop game. I will start with Warhammer Fantasy and will add 40k and AoS later.
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Règles optionnelles pour le jeu de rôle Bitume MKV et l'édition spéciale 10ème anniversaire.
Résultat visible à cette adresse.
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Scrapes the Archives of Nethys ( to get all of the spells.
If you can, please use the generated JSON file instead of running the script to save on bandwidth and hosting costs.
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Heroines of the First Age, funded on Kickstarter and available on DriveThruRPG:
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An implementation of the Starfinder game system for Foundry Virtual Tabletop ( Open Gaming License: and Community Use Policy: