Projects with this topic
Marine Lambert, accède à mon cv en pdf.
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u2ps/u2pdf generates a2ps style ps/pdf from UTF-8 text
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Input Markdown, YAML, and a DOCX style guide. Output DOCX and PDF. PowerShell wrapper around Pandoc.
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Rímsky misál, 2. vydanie
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PDF viewer widget build with Stencil and Pdf.js
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Package pdfwriter provides a mid-level generator for PDF documents. The goal is to provide an API at the same level of abstraction as PDF documents themselves.
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An implementation of the beta distribution probability density function in Javascript. This implementation overcomes the problem of large numbers being generated by the Beta function which can cause JS to return inf values.
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A small tool that uses Puppeteer and ImageMagick to create a PDF from a Reveal.js slide deck
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Lightweight Python scripts for reviewing PDFs with minimal UI.
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Code of Merit
Source: Roberto Rosario (@siloraptor)
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PDF Wizards - simple wizard-style tools for modifying PDF files
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A collection of unused geometric patterns from now-retired versions of the Pattern Parts website.
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HW documentation for AVRunLocker Did you accidentally set wrong fuses and your programmer refuse to communicate with chip? AVRunLocker can easily restore fuses on your AVR, so you can use it again!
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A program that guesses PDF titles from sentences and rename PDF file.
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Simple collection of documents and links related to various IT topics and programming languages