Projects with this topic
This is the library package for Remix which contains library code and example drivers.
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This is the platform component of Remix, providing common build scripts, toolchain and package definitions.
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ESP8266 and DHTXX-based air temperature and humidity sensor for Home Assistant
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Hello world using Platformio for the Hacker Hotel 2024 badge.
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A PlatformIO package for uC/OS-III to be used with Remix
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A very quick and dirty port of the Arduino sketch from the manufacturers demo projects tested it with a SUNTON 8048S050C board (5" IPS touch screen).
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PlatformIO wrapper for a GDLib HAGL HAL implementation
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PlatformIO wrapper for the Hardware Agnostic Graphics Library
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Network Manager for Arduino boards
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Dialog-like UI to used with u8g2lib.h
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Repo contenant l'ensemble de mes projets
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Experiments and examples for the WEMOS LOLIN C3 MINI board.
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This is a higher level API (or HAL) for using the serial port (USART1, USART2, USAR3, etc.), intially developed on the Blue Pill (STM32F103C8) with libOpenCM3.
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Programming for the micro-controllers inside the lights
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This is a program written using HAL to generate a variable duty cycle PWM signal.
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☕ | Smart coffee-machine expensive? Not anymore!Updated