Projects with this topic
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Manage permanent and temporary redirects in ProcessWire 2.6.1+. Version 2 in the works.
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A lightweight workflow management system and task graph
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An application that relays the messages exchanged between a user and another application
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Bibliothèque d’interface unifiée avec les composants systèmes : sous-programmes, variables d’environnement et communications inter-processus (pipe linux).
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C++-library for spawning processes, controlling processes input-, output- and error-streams aswell as limiting number of processes. (IE by setting a number of maximum jobs and by summing up the amount of estimated memory-consumption.)
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Script to display server information like CPU, RAM, drives, networks, hostname, ip, mounts, date, time and so on at login.
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Collection of process utilities and diagnostic message helpers.
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Concurrent processing and communication model
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K-MAJI Orquesta permite orquestastar procesos de TI, su diseño sirve para ayudar a los administradores de sistemas, desarrolladores, seguridad y otras áreas de ingenieria a simplificar los procesos de desarrollo y operaciones de productos digitales.
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This PHP script is written for cPanel email pipe ( ) to process an incoming email (STDIN): strip headers, authenticate email, and resend email to a specified email address.
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Keeps your hard drive disk active (from turning off) by opening and writing to a file every once in a while.
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K-MAJI Enterprise permite orquestar procesos de TI, su diseño sirve para ayudar a los administradores de sistemas, desarrolladores, seguridad y otras áreas de ingenieria a simplificar los procesos de desarrollo y operaciones de productos digitales.
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Keeps your hard drive disk active (from going into standby mode) by opening and writing to a file every once in a while. It runs in the background so you don't have to worry about it and it's quite lightweight.
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A Haladó Fejlesztési Technikák tárgyhoz tartozó laboranyagok, házi és gyakorló feladatok kódjai.
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pidzero is a lightweight process host designed exclusively for Docker/LXC containers. pidzero lets you run multiple process inside a container safely while avoiding “dead container” situations by failing fast.
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JavaScript module to parallel process data by dynamic multi-thread workers