Projects with this topic
Comment prédire le prix de vente d'une maison en fonction de ses caractéristiques ?
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Projet de prédiction de la taille des poissons du marché de par régression. Article technique disponible sur mon blog :
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This project aims to leverage an extensive dataset of flight booking records sourced from the "Ease My Trip" website to develop predictive models for estimating ticket prices. With a focus on incorporating various influencing factors such as airline choice, travel class, booking lead time, and other significant attributes, our goal is to create a robust analytical framework that enables stakeholders to gain insights into flight pricing dynamics.
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This project aims to develop a dynamic pricing model for a ride-sharing service that can accurately predict optimal fares. The model will incorporate various factors, including demand patterns and supply availability, to ensure fair and efficient pricing for riders and drivers.
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An example of tabular data regression (parameter estimates) using TabNet
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Machine Learning.
Rice University Spring 2024.
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My attempts to solve homework from the Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology course
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Collection of completed data-mining (university course) on python
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Analisi di un dataset contenenti informazioni su diverse tipologie di vetro.
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Machine Learning - Regression Problem
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Python wrapper of sklearn to simplify most frequently tasks to do nonlinear regressions
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Simple Facial recognition with PCA from scratch (c++ and python). Academic Project
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Multimodal Brain Tumor Segmentation (BRATS) Challenge 2019
Training of deep networks for medical image segmentation tasks Network and training strategy that relies on the strong use of data augmentationUpdated -
A replacement for patsy better suitable for fully automated use